Fun Food Interview with a 3-Year-Old

Fun Food Interview with a 3-Year-Old

Recently, What a Good Eater! (WAGE) sat down with our 3-year-old kids for an interview to see what we could learn about their meal preferences. We thought, just for fun, let’s interview about the types of food they like and how we might be able to accommodate some of their requests. (Well, kind of – we knew without question that we might have to modify some of their requests!)  The result is below, answers verbatim: a fun food interview with a 3-year-old!

Fun Food Interview with a 3-Year-Old

WHAT A GOOD EATER: What is your favorite meal of the day: breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack? Why?
LANDON: Snack. Because I love snack.
PENELOPE: Snack. Because I do it.

WAGE: What do you like to eat for snack time?
LANDON: I like to eat those white pretzels. Can I have them right now?
PENELOPE: Carrots for snack time.

WAGE: What is your favorite breakfast food?
LANDON: Cereal.
PENELOPE: Pancakes.

WAGE: If you could eat anything you wanted for dinner tonight, what would it be?
LANDON: Um, a snack. (Well played, Landon. Well played.)
PENELOPE: Spaghetti squash.  (Side note from Penelope’s mom: she loathes spaghetti squash.)

WAGE: What is your favorite dessert?
LANDON: Chocolate.
PENELOPE: A cookie.

WAGE: Do you like to eat your food with your fingers or with a fork/spoon?
LANDON: With my fingers.
PENELOPE: Fingers.

WAGE: Is it OK for you to eat lots of candy? Why or why not?
PENELOPE: YEAH! Because I did it.

WAGE: What is your favorite vegetable?
LANDON: Ummmm, a snack. Carrots.

WAGE: What is your favorite fruit?
LANDON: Pears.

WAGE: Can you name an herb or spice?
LANDON: Spice. Nope.
PENELOPE: Oregano and rosemary.

Through this interview, we learned that Amy’s son, Landon, loves snacks, we suspect because they are small portions of fun foods that he can easily eat with his hands. (He told Amy that he loves finger foods!) We discovered that Ali’s daughter, Penelope, LOVES a lot of things, and that her favorite reason for doing things is “because I did it”. (Her use of this term is most certainly not a direct result of Ali’s recent proclamations of “because I said so”.) Overall, it taught us that as we prepare our kids’ foods we should keep in mind that they typically like small portions (think tapas style). Oh, and that they love chocolate and cookies.








About Amy Godiwalla

Amy Godiwalla is co-author of the What a Good Eater! cookbook, available on Amazon. Amy and her husband, Shaun, live in Denver, Colorado, with their two little boys. When Amy is not feeding little mouths or inventing recipes, she enjoys hiking, yoga, snowboarding, cooking, entertaining, traveling to the mountains, sipping hot chocolate at ski resorts, and wine tasting.

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